Wednesday 9 April 2014

selling while presenting!

Selling while presenting
When you are presenting your product or service to the potential client and while flipping from slide to slide you would need to consider several factors which could ensure that the audience is not only attentive but also deliver your unique selling proposition.

While presenting data, relate with laymen examples which helps the potential client to paint a picture of how he would gain advantage after using your services. When you find any one disinterested kindly pause the presentation so you could ask for their thoughts on the subject which helps voice out the reason for their resistance. You could then clarify their thoughts and then proceed with the session.

Always remember it is not only important to sell your product but also focus on why this product must be bought from you only, and why now. You could add things like your expertise in the particular domain and how you have helped customers in the similar industry overcome some common problems due to your high quality standards, etc.  Selling the product is just the first thing your focus must be about why the product must be bought from you only.
Happy Selling!


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