Friday 25 April 2014

Firm Leadership

Firm Leadership:
While it is extremely important to achieve firm sales targets it is indeed important to exercise your authority at times. Reprimanding is an option no one likes however it is essential to unleash your authority depending upon the situation. There is always a thin line which should never be crossed. This is not taught in any MBA curriculum you have to learn live on the field.
If you adhere to the below mentioned guidelines you can command respect and also exercise your powers.

Be clear in your communication, it is quite stressful to manage ambiguous situations however providing  clarity on goals and the process of achieving them should be clear, Always be proactive in asking for feedback and clarifying the doubts so the fundamentals of managing the team is clear.
Be proactive in pushing the team members to take help from you while they run in to problems, It is always advisable that they are open and honest about the mistakes and communicated to you promptly, So you could avoid any disappointments later. This helps you improve high morale in the team.
Avoid procrastination, Jump instantly in to the problems which the team is facing and try to steer it away or fix it, for example a customer is unhappy don’t just push it off to the service team, try to take the responsibility.
It is always in the toughest times the true reflection and character of your direct reports will be displayed. You would always encourage people to take risks and try to think out of the box and give the liberties to experiment. This will help them grow professionally and increase high morale in the team.
So by following the above steps you could create strong morale in the team which will give you consistent results. You could also view my other post "fighting your quote through".

Happy Selling!


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