Thursday 13 March 2014

Inside sales process map

Inside sales process map-
It is extremely important that you choose the right approach to be successful in sales. Your winning edge lies in delivering success through effective research. Firstly you would need to identify your target customer from the specific geography where your comfort level of conducting business is easy.
 You would need to choose any of the three methodologies, an email campaign; social media connect which needs to be followed up by dialing in the client.
Once you dial you never speak to him about the product or the process but request for a congenial time for him so you could explain your products in detail, while you say so you should be careful to choose the initial script and it should be precise of the benefits and advantages you are going to offer.
Next is to follow up with an calendar invite and update the technician about it. Now you would need to perform research and based on around 55 factors you would need to strategize your move.
I have also pic of the map and would want you to prepare a detailed one for your team.

Next on the call you would need to introduce your company and your offerings to identify if there are any potential to partner up. Once you identify the need you evaluate it and pass it to the technical discussion. And he does not have any requirement now you would need to follow up with the client.
It is imperative that you prepare and produce the visual copy of the high level process flow chart and update it to all the sales executives in the team.
You could also view my other article "sales mantra".
Happy Selling !


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