Sense the sales greed!
Most often it has been noticed that pitching and begging for
a deal is given a priority rather than the focus on listening to your
prospects. Your goal should be to uncover buyers needs and not to force
unqualified leads in to your pipeline so you will depict your greed.
What top sales executives do it to ensure they stuck to
basics and practice perfection on each call. There will be exceptions however
you should not digress from extensive profiling and relating back to the needs.
Prospecting is actually a tedious process, you have to
genuinely question skillfully by not letting the client loose interest, and you
should be taking cues from his story and be able to paint the picture to show
his the cost benefit.
Always use words like thanks and please when you dealing
with gatekeepers who will be crucial in getting you an appointment, If they
sense the sales greed it would be difficult for you to nurture the
relationship. And please avoid the tiring question which will compel clients to
reluctantly answer “ How are you doing today” instead you could use effective
opening statements which will be more relevant and objective.
Also it is not wrong just to bring any hot news event or an
engaging question which could help the client open up. We all have bills to pay
and at the end of the day the money matters but avoid making it evident.